Colorado Language Arts Society
Statement is the official journal published digitally by the Colorado Language Arts Society. The mission of Statement is to advance the teaching and learning of English Language Arts in Colorado. While we welcome readership beyond the Centennial State and we encourage submissions from outside of Colorado, what makes our publication most relevant for our members is content that addresses the interests and issues of Colorado teachers.
Calls for submission are released twice a year, generally in April and September. However, submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Archived issues of Statement are only available to CLAS members. Please join as a member to visit our Members Only page
The Colorado Language Arts Society opposes discrimination against any person and promotes equal opportunities and access to its activities and publications.
Recent Issue
Spring 2023
You can download the latest issue here:
Call for Submissions
Fall 2023
The pandemic and its ubiquitous influence has been cited as a possible reason for almost any change, trend, or sociocultural “conversation” for about three years now. Whether or not this credit is being aptly applied is up for debate. Though, whatever the case may be, it does appear that in everything from work to social unrest to calls for equity to politics to the economy and even to education, we are indeed on the precipice of a new horizon.
As educators, we have again been called upon to tackle and take responsibility, both during and in the receding phases of the pandemic, in a way that no other profession—save for those in the medical fields—has been asked to do. In addition to teaching, mentoring, counseling, and all the other roles we have been tasked with over the years, we were also asked to become experts at remote instruction, custodians and monitors of mask-wearing and social distancing, and frontline mental health paraprofessionals. This is, of course, in the context of skyrocketing cost-of-living and real estate expenses in Colorado, in the context of what seems like perpetual threats of violence in our schools,
and in the midst of unending accusations about our supposed ineffectiveness and “agenda-pushing” whenever there are LGBTQ people, people of color, or anything deemed controversial included in our curriculum and our classrooms.
Yet here we are. Educators are leaving the profession at unprecedented rates and teacher education programs are enrolling just fractions of the students they had only a few years ago. Yet here we are. In this issue, we want to know why it is you are still here. How do you develop meaningful connections? How do you sustain your practice? What are the obstacles (and maybe the triumphs) specific to us locally and regionally in Colorado? And how has your teaching been changed or resolved to meet the new challenges on the horizon, without losing sight of your beliefs about teaching and what your students need?
Statement is also seeking to publish student and teacher writing. We hope you and your students will send us some of your personal writing—poems, memoir, narrative, informative—you decide.
Guidelines for Contributors
The editorial board requests that all submissions to Statement follow the specifications detailed below.
Google Docs are the preferred form of submission (ensure that share settings allow for viewing of the document), but we will accept .docx as well
use current MLA formatting and style standards
do not use or incorporate deviations from MLA (accepted submissions will be reformatted for publication, and formatting standardization supports ease of transfer)
charts, graphs, photos, illustrations should be sent as separate file attachments to the email submission (when these are embedded in the document, it sometimes creates difficulties with transferring them for publication)
submissions should not exceed ~3,000 words (10-12 double-spaced pages)
include an attached photo of yourself in .png or .jpg format
include a short bio of yourself (no more than 100 words
Statement is a refereed journal, which means that at least two outside reviewers will read each submission. Once the manuscript has been accepted, the editor may consult with the writer regarding revisions, and may share comments from the editorial board as an aid to revision. In light of deadlines, we reserve the right to make minor revisions. Minor formatting changes are likely and should be expected in the published version of Statement.
In the body of the email which contains the link to or attachment of the manuscript, please include (1) the title of the piece, (2) the writer's name, (3) job title, (4) affiliation or place of employment, (5) city/state, and (6) website (if applicable).
Inquiries and submissions may be sent to the editor, Jay Arellano, at jay.arellano@clasco.org. Contributors will receive an email acknowledgement of the manuscript's receipt. Please include a statement verifying that the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication anywhere else.